Anti-Demokratic Aktion: A Return to Localism

As can be seen all over social media, the left has lost centralized control over the issue of abortion. The Supreme Court has decided to return the question of abortion back to the states. This is the local control all Hoppeans should rejoice over.

To all the leftists, I have the following to say. If you live in a red state that has banned or will ban abortion, your option is simple: leave. There is nothing making you live someplace where you don’t want to. Go live in the Northeast or on the Left Coast and out of our states.

This return to federalism should ease tensions since there is no reason to live in a state that is the opposite of what you want on this crucial issue.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Jared Clark, has already run the numbers and this will save just around 250k lives in the next 12 months from the states that already have bans on the practice of abortion. This is truly a thing to thank God for. It happened on the feast day of St. John the Baptist no less.

We will love to see a steep cost being brought to those wishing to leave the North or the Left Coast for red states like Texas. With centralized control over many issues, it has made movement easier between the states since there is little legal difference on many issues. Making the laws to the displeasure of leftists will make them less likely to come to our home states and more likely to go back!

As we all know by now, the hoes are mad. No longer do they have purely consequence-free sex. The looming threat of an unwanted pregnancy hangs over their heads now in our home states. Samuel Alito in his decision on Roe v. Wade also said he wants to go after Gay (so-called) Marriage, Gay sex, and contraception. Hopefully, those returning to a state’s rights issue will mean an even further divide in this country. Heck, it might mean the end of dating - otherwise known as “sex for a good time” prostitution - and a return to courtship in areas that ban all four of the options.

Things are looking up for us with these anti-democratic actions of Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and all the other conservative Justices. As was pointed out by the left, Alito wishes to Repeal the 20th Century. We hope that is what happens.


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